Kizeo launches Kizeo Green, a collective of ecological initiatives

Kizeo confirms its commitment to the environment with the creation of a dedicated group named “Kizeo Green“. On June 22nd, a hackathon was held to develop the mobile application Transiscope, a portal for ecological initiatives. For its first event, Kizeo Green was able to bring together many volunteers within the Kizeo staff.

“Because if we do nothing, nothing will change.”
Benoît Raymond, Operational Manager

Kizeo Green, a team of motivated employees!

At Kizeo, the environment is a genuine concern and is taken very seriously. Beyond Kizeo’s environmental policy, some employees are considering going further. Sarah and Agostinho proposed an idea after considerable deliberation and proposed the creation of the Kizeo Green Project Group.

Following the resolutions adopted by the project group, several ecological initiatives will be considered:

  • The creation of a participatory garden
  • The execution of contests aimed at cleaning up a place littered with waste.
  • The development of a mobile application for Transiscope, an associative portal that identifies and geolocates ecological alternatives near you.

For its first hackathon, Kizeo Green designs the mobile application Transiscope

Transiscope is an organisation that provides Internet users with a map of the “ecological initiatives” of a region. It is with the aim of contributing to the ecological transition that several volunteers have created this web platform.

Kizeo’s activity is centered around the creation of mobile applications. Kizeo Green has therefore offered to develop the mobile application for Transiscope. Kizeo Green was made concrete with the hackathon on June 22nd. Gathering volunteers to develop the application, the event took place in a dynamic and cheerful atmosphere…

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By giving projects like Kizeo Green the opportunity to come into being, Kizeo affirms its commitment to the sustainability of the environment. The first Kizeo Green event was a great success. An encouraging accomplishment for the working group’s upcoming green initiatives.