Tuesday 07 April 2020 promises to be a special day. After several months of development and nearly a year of testing with our customers and partners, we are pleased to officially launch the new version of your Kizeo Forms application. The Kizeo Forms 19 beta testing period will come to an end and you will then be invited to download our new version (Play Store and Apps Store). You will join the 5,000 customers who accompanied us in the development of this project.
1/ Several surprises in store for you!
- Add your forms as favourites to find them in a few clicks in your application.
- View your standard PDFs directly from your mobile application.
- Lock your form to review it with your customers.
We have some more great news that we will unveil to you in the coming days…
2/ A more optimal Kizeo Forms user experience:
In order to meet your requirements and keep up with our quality standards, we have carried out a significant graphical and technical revamping of the Kizeo Forms application. It is not a simple update, but a total rewriting of your application. On the internal architecture side, Kizeo Forms 2.0 includes new technologies such as React-native, Mobx, Watermelon, Lottie, etc.
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3/ We’ll bring your needs to life faster:
As explained above, it will be equipped with an internal infrastructure, which will allow us to bring new features to life more regularly. We have many surprises in store for you, which we will deploy in the months following the release of the new version of Kizeo Forms. For example, we will be able to offer you the fields: international currencies, choose multiple images, scoring and scheduling.
For the most curious among you, you can come and ask us all your questions on Kommunity.
Do you still have questions on the tip of your tongue?
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