The history of Kizeo Forms
We wanted to provide a solution for dynamic professionals who collect field data on a daily basis via digital forms (site monitoring, safety checks, regulatory inspections, etc.).
In 2011, we set out to achieve a single goal: “to transform smartphones and tablets into indispensable tools for companies.”
And thus Kizeo Forms was born: an easy-to-use SaaS solution, designed and created in our Avignon offices in the south of France. We consolidated all of our know-howexpertise to put digitalisation at the fingertips of all professionals (large companies, SMEs, VSBs and artisans), who are always looking to save time and increase productivity.
Kizeo Forms is opening up new possibilities
Kizeo Forms is made up of two tools: a web platform (Back Office) that allows you to configure the solution, manage users and create custom forms (site monitoring, time sheets, etc.), paired with a mobile application for data collection.
The web platform offers a wide range of features to customise the solution to suit your needs. For example, you can integrate photos, geolocation, NFC tags and much more into your forms.
The data collected from the application is then formatted in a report that can be customised and added to automatic email templates. Tailored to your company, each form is a vital tool that can be updated whenever you want!
All the data is accessible from your back office and can be analysed and downloaded in the format of your choice (Word, Excel, PDF).
Thanks to the API, connectors and integrations at your disposal, the field data can be integrated into your favourite business applications and/or CRM systems, providing an instant overview to help you manage your business.
When one of your forms is completed, Kizeo Forms can transcribe and format the data collected into a custom document in the formqt of your choice (PDF, Word, Excel).
Essential features
Kizeo Forms has established itself as an essential solution for many companies, from artisans to multinational corporations: