«Gamer during my free time, at Kizeo I analyze, I write, and I test everything that directly or indirectly affects our application! »
Sarah Marivaux
My Role
Being in a versatile position, my mission is to optimize the internal organization of the Kizeo team through different projects and processes.
In addition, as a product expert, I am also responsible for ensuring that you have all the necessary support & guide you about the use of our solution enabling you to independently use our products.
In short, I analyze, write, and test everything related to Kizeo Forms!
My Background
I hold a Master in International Trade Management. I found out about Kizeo at my end-of-year internship when I worked as a customer care executive. I was truly seduced by the spirit of the company and the great work atmosphere.
After accompanying and advising our clients daily for two years, I now ensure that our application complies to your needs.
My favorite expressions
昨日の花は今日の夢 « Yesterday’s flower is but a dream today » Japanese proverb which means «Who today was a haughty knight, is tomorrow a penniless wight.»
堪忍は一生の宝 « Patience is a treasure of life »
« Don’t say too many bad things about yourself: people could believe you.» quote from the novel Fear and Trembling by the French writer Amélie Nothomb.
My hobbies
Like so many of my colleagues, I love traveling; whether alone, with family or with my friends. I particularly like (re)discovering the Asian continent. At each new destination, I meet wonderful people and I write new chapters in the immense book that is life. As they say, traveling is the only thing we buy and it make us richer.
Apart from my escapades, I like simple pleasures: music, reading (Amélie Nothomb, Katherine Pancol …), playing sports and cooking. I have been learning Japanese for several years and go to the gym with the Kizeo team!
When I’m not behind a book, it’s because I’m with my friends laughing, going out or playing games, whether it’s a video or any other game … Let’s play? ?
Sarah Marivaux
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