« I cultivate my curiosity by traveling as often as I can. I love all winter sports and running. For me communication is above all a story of passion. I try to make it more “human” and “sincere”. It is by following this ambition that I write weekly articles, create videos and many other things. »
Matthieu Richard
My role
I am in charge of Marketing and Communication for French speaking markets. In collaboration with my team I publish various articles and videos on the website and social networks to promote the knowledge and values of Kizeo.
My journey
I hold a Masters degree in “Business Manager or Profit Center” obtained from the IFAG (Higher School of Management) of Nîmes. To attain this diploma, I obtained and served an apprenticeship contract with Orange Business Services. This period was the perfect opportunity for me to occupy a position of apprenticeship in internal communications. So my mission was, at my level, to convey to all employees the key messages about the group’s strategy.
My hobbies
“We have nothing for nothing … Work always ends up paying off and that is why we must never give up! “. This philosophy of life has always nourished me in difficult times.
I will not be original, but like many of my work colleagues I like to travel. Every year, I take a lot of pleasure to go on an adventure with the people who are dear to me: my friends and my family. I particularly like to discover the wild and preserved spaces which are not impacted by globalization. In my opinion, traveling is the trademark of a lifetime. No matter what happens, there are memorable adventures and, in the end, only fantastic memories remain. We are fortunate to live in a time when distances have diminished and borders have lost their meaning. The world is full of treasure and I intend to use every minute of my life to see as much as possible.
For me the most beautiful season is winter and this is because of several reasons. First of all, because when it ends, it has no other effect than to sublimate the beautiful days. Then because cheese is (90%) an essential part of my diet. Let’s agree, how can you refuse a raclette or a fondue? Finally, I am fascinated when the mountain takes on its white coat. It gets my heart ringing and I cannot help but hit each of its slopes. I must admit, the calm, serenity and power of the mountain do not leave me indifferent. Once the winter is over, here I am, at the edge of mountain streams, teasing trout. Finally, I watch the trout tease me instead. You will understand it is not thanks to me that you will eat fish at noon.
In my video player you will find:
- Star Wars III : Revenge of the Sith – George Lucas
- La vie est belle – Roberto Benigni
- The Green mile – Frank Darabont
- Forrest Gump – Robert Zemeckis
- Gladiator – Ridley Scott
In my audio player you will find:
- Whitney Houston – I will always love you
- Nirvana – Come As You Are
- Hocus Pocus – Petit pays
- BigFlo et Oli – Ça va trop vite
- James Brown – It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World
Matthieu Richard
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